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Hayden Vonbargen


Hayden Vonbargen is an athletic young man from Chehalis, Washington, with a passion for sports. While attending Adna High School, Hayden ran track and cross country. He enjoyed being involved on those teams and getting to develop his running skills during his high school career.

Since graduating in 2017, he has continued to foster his love for running. In addition to running recreationally in his free time, Hayden has participated in several local races, staying involved in the local competitive running community. Other active pastimes include snowboarding and hiking.

While Hayden Vonbargen’s personal sport of choice is running, he also enjoys many professional sports. He enjoys following Washington State teams, such as the Seattle Seahawks. Hayden loves keeping up with games during professional seasons and cheering on his favorite players. In particular, he is inspired by Tyler Lockett, a wide receiver for the Seattle Seahawks. He loves watching Tyler play and seeing his progress as he spends more time investing in football and developing his skills.

Outside of his athletic interests, Hayden Vonbargen works and volunteers. For over a year now, he has worked as a UPS truck loader, loading packages into trucks while navigating a fast-paced environment. He previously worked as a UPS driver helper and has enjoyed working with the company. Hayden has learned to manage busy schedules and keep up with expectations while performing manual labor tasks and coordinating with a team. He’s a responsible and reliable employee.

Additionally, he has been volunteering with the Washington Trail Association for several years now, a cause he is passionate about. As a hiker himself, Hayden loves getting to help maintain local trails and support others who want to explore nature in the local area. In this role, he has helped build a footbridge, move materials, and support events. Hayden has also spent time as a pet sitter and doing house chores, such as yard work and other manual labor tasks, for an elderly family member. He strives to be kind and work hard, no matter the circumstances. These values are evident in all of his pursuits.

Hayden Vonbargen also enjoys music and traveling. His favorite genre of music is rap, and he particularly enjoys the work of Eminem and Macklemore. He finds these artists inspiring and keeps up with all of their latest releases. 

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